Faun's Graduation Gift
Faun has graduated from college. As a reward for his dedication to his studies, his parents gifted him with a plane ticket to join us for an island time adventure here in the British Virgin Islands.
We are happy to host Faun, and his friend Tony, sharing our love of sailing, snorkeling and the life of traveling about on a boat.
Faun graduated with a degree in Philosophy and has been accepted into law school; with the current plan of going into Patent Law. His philosophy background led us to thought-provoking discussions on a wide variety of topics. Those sessions were most enjoyable for us and we hope for him too. Faun's commentary on education, especially education leading up to high school was intriguing and enlightening.
For Faun, philosophy taught him how to learn, how to process information and think creatively. He believes Philosophy should be taught to youngsters; thereby laying the groundwork that will help students' with their cognitive abilities, resulting in getting the best out of their education in high school, college, and beyond. Philosophy is good for life.
Hanging out with the chickens at the airport waiting for Faun to arrive.
They have arrived - Tony and Faun (l-r)
Knot tying class - Bowline a very important knot to learn
Various communities around the island host Full Moon parties and we have offered to hang out here in Trellis Bay so that we all can enjoy the evenings festivities.
Charlie with one of the driftwood carvings
Assorted carvings around the community
These balls are filled with firewood and will be lit tonight.
They are nearly 6ft in diameter - shown with Charlie who is 6'2"
There are also two on stands in the bay
Heading out for some exploring
L to R - Faun, Karen , Tony
The guys were hoping to meet some chicks while on their adventure. Charlie came back with this ravishing pair asking then boys if they would be interested in meeting the girls.
However the boys had their eyes on another group.
Fishing was fun though non were edible. Faun and a barracuda.
Tony and a barracuda
Anegada beach time
Ice cream
We think the "bathroom issue" has been resolved here in the islands.
Snorkel time - l to r - Faun, Charlie, Tony
My spot in the shade to observe the snorkelers
Next stop - Cow Wreck Beach Bar & Grille - l to r Faun, Tony
Very popular even in the off season
We also took the boys around the corner to the next bay, Great Harbor, which is the home to Foxy's
Lots of stories hanging in the rafters
The Indians - a group of rock outcroppings with beautiful snorkeling.
The threesome - l to r - Faun, Charlie, Tony
There in and ready
The boys on a passage, reading and relaxing.
Approaching the mooring field for snorkeling the wreck of the Rhone
Remember the movie - The Deep? This is where Jacqueline Bisset dives the wreck and meets the moray.

Happy Hour and dinner at Pusser's on Marina Cay. Faun & Karen
Faun and a Painkiller
L-R Tony, Faun, Charlie
One last snorkel
Charlie brought back a lionfish. Tasty when grilled will make a good lunch snack.
Faun resting up before the flight home
......after the last round of down-island foosball.
Note: the new engine was installed before Faun's arrival and worked perfectly during his trip. We now have two new engines so we hope all will continue to go well.
The new anchor and chain have arrived. We off loaded the old and loaded on the new. Now it is time to head out.
Next stop Anguilla and south to St Martin/Maarten.